Cluster homepage
Knowledge Extraction & Semantic Interoperability
Cluster description
The thematic area of Semantic Interoperability is growing in importance in digital library (DL) research (taking the interpretation of "digital library" at its broadest). It applies to the application of different vocabularies and terminology used in descriptions of digital objects for both learning and research, collections of those objects, collections of datasets and resources used in the wider cultural heritage sector and in e-research. Indeed, cross-sectoral and cross-domain shared understanding of semantic descriptions is one of the goals of the Semantic Web as envisaged by Tim Berners-Lee in his "roadmap" published in 1998. This vision has more recently (2001) been applied to "Grid computing" and e-science / e-research initiatives in the Semantic Grid approach. In addition, the application of algorithms for the mining and analysis of digital resources (text, data, complex objects), offers exciting opportunities for the extraction of new knowledge and the re-use of data and information in new ways. Today, we are beginning to address some of the issues and challenges in this complex area and the Delos Network of Excellence has the opportunity to carry out some important research to move the Semantic Web/Grid vision forwards towards implementation.
Cluster partners
A number of organisations and institutions are currently involved in this Work Package:
- Department of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton, UK
- ETH, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland
- FORTH, Crete, Greece
- Netlab Knowledge Technologies Group, Lund University, Sweden
- School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Technical University of Crete, Greece
- UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
- UNIMI, University of Milan, Italy
- University for Health Informatics & Technologies, Tyrol, Austria
Cluster objectives
The Knowledge Extraction & Semantic Interoperability research cluster has two key strategic goals:
- To co-ordinate a programme of activities which brings together research excellence from a range of inter-related knowledge engineering and information management areas, and which facilitates the sharing of experience and expertise amongst practitioners from both DL and Grid/computing science backgrounds.
- To explore the potential of new models, algorithms, methodologies and processes in a variety of technical applications, institutional frameworks and cross-sectoral environments, which will lead to the creation of guidelines and recommendations of best practice for dissemination to the widest possible community of interest.
Cluster activities
We have identified a number of activities to initiate a programme of work which is currently being explored in terms of the definitions and scope of the various themes.
A Forum is being created to provide a physical and virtual arena for the exchange of experience and research in all the areas/themes of this cluster. The first meeting of the Forum is planned to coincide with the European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL) to be held in September in Bath, UK. It will provide an opportunity to integrate systematically other relevant groups into the cluster and will take the format of a one-day state-of-the-art workshop. This development is being supported by a moderated virtual forum or discussion list for the expansion of discussion on selected topics. It is also intended to maximise opportunities to harmonise with other relevant initiatives such as CIDOC and FRBR. The activity will culminate with an evaluative report and a second Forum workshop to disseminate the findings of the Report (Task 1).
In the area of Knowledge Extraction, initially a study will be produced to determine the requirements for and usage of extracted knowledge for biblio-metrics, domain analysis, issue tracking and community modelling (Task 2).
Semantic Interoperability is being addressed initially by scoping the area with the aim of producing a state-of-the-art overview of DL semantic issues including the application of standards, thesauri, ontologies, Knowledge Organisation Systems and the implementation of metadata schema registries (Task 3).
Expected results
The KESI cluster will deliver an integrated mix of dissemination, integration and research activities which together will progress the development of digital libraries in this area and inform the future research programme for the cluster. Results include:
- A Forum for the exchange of research experience in this area.
- An evaluative study and workshop on Digital Repositories and Open Archives.
- A study and workshop on Knowledge Extraction for Biblio-metrics.
- A state-of-the-art report on Semantic Interoperability.
Cluster report in DELOS Newsletter, Issue 1, April 2004
Cluster report in DELOS Newsletter, Issue 2, October 2004
Upcoming events
Call for papers: DELOS Digital Repositories Workshop, May 11-13, 2005, Heraklion, Crete. More information
Cluster coordinator
Elizabeth Lyon
UKOLN, University of Bath.