• 2006-03-29: June 4-10, 2006
    Fifth DELOS International Summer School
    More Information


  • 2006-03-28: TEL-ME-MOR
    TEL-ME-MOR is organising a Policy Conference in Tallin, Estonia on 19-20 October 2006
    More Information


  • 2006-02-23
    The joint work on similarity search carried on within task 2.6 has produced a new book published by Springer.
    More Information


  • 2006-02-22
    The prototype implementation of indexing and processing algorithms for similarity search is now available
    More information


  • 2006-01-17: February 01, 2006
    TEL and DELOS joint meeting
    Paris, France
    More information


  • 2006-01-17: January 30-31, 2006
    All Tasks Meeting
    Paris, France
    More information


  • 2005-12-05: January 27, 2006
    2nd Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries DEI, University of Padua, Italy
    More Information


  • 2006-01-20: December 05-06, 2005
    Fourth Brainstorming Meeting for the Future of European Digital Libraries
    Juan-le-Pins, France
    More information


  • 2005-10-24
    Report on the DELOS Research Activities 2005: Digital Libraries have the potential to become the universal knowledge repositories and communication conduits of the future


  • 2005-10-11: October 13-14, 2005
    IT Profiles and Curricula for Libraries
    International Master in Information Studies, DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries European Library Automation Group
    Parma, Italy, Sala Conferenze Oratorio Novo, Vicolo S. Maria 5
    Contact: delag@isti.cnr.it
    More information
  • 2005-09-19: DELOS Newsletter
    We have the last DELOS Newsletter, issue 4, September 2005. - AVIVDiLib'05 the Product of Two Collaborating Clusters
    - The 4th DELOS Summer School: Digital Preservation in Digital Librarie
    - TUC, the Ionian University and UKOLN Co-operate in JPA2
    - DELOS Researcher Exchange Programme, Useful Experience and Discussion
    - Grid Technologies for Digital Libraries
  • 2005-05-17: JCDL 2005
    Registration for the JCDL 2005 is now open.
  • 2005-04-27: Joint Workshop on Electronic Publishing
    Joint Workshop on Electronic Publishing, Organised by Delos, SVEP and ScieCom, 14-15 April, 2005, Lund, Sweden: All presentations now available.
  • 2005-04-05: Fourth DELOS International Summer School
    The Fourth DELOS International Summer School on Digital Preservation in Digital Libraries will take place in Sophia-Antipolis, France, 5-11 June, 2005.
  • 2005-04-04: INEX 2005 (Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval)
    Registration for the INEX 2005 campaign is now open.
  • 2005-02-08: ECDL2005
    9th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 18-23 September, 2005, Vienna, Austria: Call for papers.
  • 2005-01-20: DELOS Digital Repositories Workshop
    DELOS Digital Repositories Workshop, a joint workshop of the Semantic Interoperability and Preservation clusters of the DELOS project, May 11-13, 2005, Heraklion, Crete: Call for papers.
  • 2004-11-24: INEX Workshop 2004. Open for registration.
    The INEX (INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval) workshop 2004 takes place December 6-8 2004 in Dagstuhl, Germany. Four tracks related to evaluation of XML retrieval: Relevance feedback, Natural language, Heterogenous collections and an Interactive track. INEX 2004 is organised by DELOS.
  • 2004-11-09: DELOS Newsletter
    The second issue of the DELOS Newsletter, October 2004, has been published. It features an article on the work, research and vision of the constituent groups within the DELOS Work Package 1: Digital Library Architecture (ARCH), reports from the seven research clusters and other materials.
  • 2004-11-05: Delos Awards 2004
    DELOS supported the granting of two awards to two papers presented at ECDL 2004. The awards were given to Ray Larson (University of California at Berkeley) for Best Paper and Markus Franke (Universität Karlsruhe) for Best Young Researcher's Paper.
  • 2004-08-26: Workshop on Semantic Interoperability in Digital Libraries
    In order to initiate a discussion in the wider community and to share current research experience, the Delos Research Cluster 5 arranges a Workshop on Semantic Interoperability in Digital Libraries. It takes place Sept. 17 in conjunction with the ECDL conference in Bath, UK. Among the speakers are: Jane Hunter, Doug Tudhope and David Alsmeyer.
  • 2004-08-09: DELOS Information Day
    The DELOS Information Day (University of Bath, UK, September 15, 2004; in connection with ECDL 2004) is a unique opportunity to get a comprehensive overview of all the DELOS activities. Participation is free and does not require prior registration.
  • 2004-07-13: Workshop on Audio-Visual Content and Information Visualization in Digital Libraries, May 2005
    The Delos research cluster 4 "User-Interface and visualization" announces the "Seventh International Workshop of the EU Network of Excellence DELOS on Audio-Visual Content and Information Visualization in Digital Libraries" (AVIVDiLib'05), May 4-6, 2005, in Cortona, Italy. A Call for Papers is available at the workshop web site. The workshop aims at providing a forum to present the latest research results, new technology development and new applications in the areas of multimedia content and information visualization in digital libraries.
  • 2004-06-24: Presentations from "Semantic Approaches in Digital Libraries" workshop freely available
    All presentations from the Delos Regional Awareness Event "Between Knowledge Organization and Semantic Web: Semantic Approaches in Digital Libraries", June 23d in Lund, Sweden are now online.
    They include:
    *Boris Lauser: From thesauri to rich ontology: The AGROVOC case.
    FAO Ontology Portal Prototypes: Fishery.
    Building a rich ontology from AGROVOC.
    *Anders Ardö and Koraljka Golub: Automatic Subject Classification and Topic Specific Search Engines -- Research at KnowLib.
    *Douglas Tudhope: Semantic Terminology Services: experiences from the FACET Project.
    *Alistair Miles: SKOS: Simple Knowledge Organisation with the Semantic Web.
  • 2004-05-14: DELOS Workshop
    The Regional Awareness Event "Between Knowledge Organization and Semantic Web: Semantic Approaches in Digital Libraries" in Lund.
    Submission deadline: June 14, 2004.
  • 2004-05-13: On-line Questionnaire for Collecting User Requirements
    One of the main objectives of Cluster 4 is to collect and analyze user requirements in order to relate them to the different research perspectives and technical implementation options on a digital library. At this purpose, two integrated questionnaires (for end-users and stakeholders) have been set up for online collection and processing of data. Digital library end-users and stakeholders are warmly invited to fill them. The questionnaires can be found at http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~delos/.
  • 2004-05-05: DELOS Newsletter
    The first issue of the DELOS Newsletter, April 2004, has been published. It features an overview article of the network, reports from the seven research clusters and other materials.
  • 2004-04-06: DELOS Workshop
    "Digital Library Architectures: Peer-to-Peer, Grid, and Service-Orientation". First Intern. DELOS Workshop. Submission deadline: April 24, 2004.
  • 2004-03-31: DELOS Evaluation
    DELOS invites participation in an evaluation initiative for XML document retrieval, INEX 2004.