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Delos | Gentaur Genprice Group
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Largo Bortolo Belotti 5, 24121 Bergamo
EU(39)02 36 00 65 93 | UK(44)020 3393 8531
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All cDNA
Bovine cDNA
Cat cDNA
cDNA Alzheimer's Disease
cDNA Dog Normal Tissue
cDNA Human Adult Normal Tissue
cDNA Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue
cDNA Human Tumor Cell Line
cDNA Human Tumor Tissue
cDNA Hypertension
cDNA Liver Cirrhosis
cDNA Lupus
cDNA Monkey Rhesus Normal Tissue
cDNA Mouse Normal Tissue
cDNA Plant Normal Tissue
cDNA Rat Normal Tissue
Chicken cDNA
Dog cDNA
Equine cDNA
Guinea Pig cDNA
Hamster cDNA
Human cDNA
MiniPig cDNA
Monkey cDNA
Mouse BLC cDNA
Mouse CD1 cDNA
Mouse C57 cDNA
Pig cDNA
Plant & Aqua cDNA
Rabbit cDNA
Rat cDNA
Sheep cDNA
cDNA Monkey Cynomolgus Normal Tissue
Digital Libraries
All gDNA
Alzheimer gDNA
Arrhythmia gDNA
Bovine gDNA
Cat gDNA
Chicken gDNA
Dementia gDNA
Depression gDNA
Dog gDNA
Equine gDNA
FFPE & Frozen Matched Pair gDNA
Guinea Pig gDNA
Hamster gDNA
Human Adult Normal Tissue gDNA
Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue gDNA
Human gDNA
Human Normal Tissue gDNA
Human Tumor Tissue gDNA
Hypertension gDNA
Liver Cirrhosis gDNA
Lupus gDNA
Mini Pig gDNA
Monkey gDNA
Mouse gDNA
Mouse Normal Tissue gDNA
Multiple Sclerosis gDNA
Other Diseases gDNA
Parkinson gDNA
Pig gDNA
Plant & Aqua gDNA
Plant Normal Tissue gDNA
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy gDNA
Rabbit gDNA
Rat gDNA
Rat Normal Tissue gDNA
Sheep gDNA
Genomic DNA
All Genomic DNA
Alzheimer Genomic DNA
Arrhythmia Genomic DNA
Bovine Genomic DNA
Cat Genomic DNA
Chicken Genomic DNA
Dementia Genomic DNA
Depression Genomic DNA
Dog Genomic DNA
Equine Genomic DNA
FFPE & Frozen Matched Pair Genomic DNA
FFPE Genomic DNA
Guinea Pig Genomic DNA
Hamster Genomic DNA
Human Adult Normal Tissue Genomic DNA
Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue Genomic DNA
Human Genomic DNA
Human Normal Tissue Genomic DNA
Human Tumor Tissue Genomic DNA
Hypertension Genomic DNA
Liver Cirrhosis Genomic DNA
Lupus Genomic DNA
Mini Pig Genomic DNA
Monkey Genomic DNA
Mouse Genomic DNA
Mouse Normal Tissue Genomic DNA
Multiple Sclerosis Genomic DNA
Other Diseases Genomic DNA
Parkinson Genomic DNA
Pig Genomic DNA
Plant & Aqua Genomic DNA
Plant Normal Tissue Genomic DNA
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Genomic DNA
Rabbit Genomic DNA
Rat Genomic DNA
Rat Normal Tissue Genomic DNA
Sheep Genomic DNA
Pantomics Benign Tissus
Pantomics Hyperplasia Tissus
Pantomics IHC Control Tissue Array
Pantomics Inflammatory Tissus
Pantomics Malignant Tissue Array
Pantomics Malignant Tissus
Pantomics Metastasis Tissus
Pantomics Normal Tissus
Pantomics Pantomics Disease Tissue Array
Pantomics Tissue Array
All Proteins
Human Adult Normal Tissue Membrane Protein
Human Cytoplasmic Proteins
Human Membrane Proteins
Human Mitochondrial Proteins
Human Nuclear Proteins
Human Tumor Cell Line Membrane Protein
Human Tumor Tissue Membrane Protein
Membrane Protein
Mouse Cytoplasmic Proteins
Mouse Membrane Proteins
Mouse Mitochondrial Proteins
Mouse Nuclear Proteins
Mouse RNA DNA Protein
Other Membrane Proteins
Rat Cytoplasmic Proteins
Rat Membrane Proteins
Rat Mitochondrial Proteins
Rat Nuclear Proteins
Rat RNA DNA Protein
All Sections
Alzheimer Tissue Section
Arrhythmia Tissue Section
Arteriosclerosis Tissue Section
Bovine Sections
Cat Sections
Chicken Sections
Dementia Tissue Section
Depression Tissue Section
Dog Sections
Equine Sections
Frozen Tissue Section
Frozen Tissue Section Panel
Guinea Pig Sections
Hamster Sections
Human Adult Normal Tissue Section
Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue Section
Human Sections
Human Tumor Tissue Section
Hypertension Tissue Section
Lupus Tissue Section
Matched Pair Frozen Tissue Section
Matched Pair Paraffin Tissue Section
MiniPig Sections
Monkey Sections
Mouse BLC Sections
Mouse Sections
Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Section
Other Diseases Tissue Section
Paraffin Tissue Section
Paraffin Tissue Section Panel
Parkinson Tissue Section
Pig Sections
Rabbit Sections
Rat Brain Sections
Rat Embryo Sections
Rat Intestine Sections
Rat Mammary Sections
Rat Placenta Sections
Rat Sections
Rat WS Sections
Sheep Sections
Tissue Section Panel
Total Proteins
All Total Proteins
Alzheimer Total Protein
Arrhythmia Total Protein
Bovine Total Protein
Cat Total Protein
Chicken Total Protein
Dementia Total Protein
Depression Total Protein
Dog Total Protein
Equine Total Protein
Guinea Pig Total Protein
Hamster Total Protein
Human Adult Normal Tissue Total Protein
Human Diabetic Tissue Total Protein
Human Total Protein
Human Tumor Cell Line Total Protein
Human Tumor Tissue Total Protein
Hypertension Total Protein
Liver Cirrhosis Total Protein
Lupus Total Protein
Matched Pair Total Protein
MiniPig Total Protein
Monkey Total Protein
Mouse BLC Total Protein
Mouse C57 Total Protein
Mouse CD1 Total Protein
Mouse Normal Tissue Total Protein
Multiple Sclerosis Total Protein
Other Diseases Total Protein
Parkinson Total Protein
Pig Total Protein
Plant & Aqua Total Protein
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Total Protein
Rabbit Total Protein
Rat Brain Total Protein
Rat Embryo Total Protein
Rat Heart Total Protein
Rat Intestine Total Protein
Rat Liver Total Protein
Rat Lung Total Protein
Rat Mammary Total Protein
Rat Placenta Total Protein
Rat Total Protein
Rat WS Total Protein
Sheep Total Protein
Total RNA
All Total RNA
Alzheimer Total RNA
Bovine Total RNA
Cat Total RNA
Chicken Total RNA
Diabetic Total RNA
Dog Total RNA
Equine Total RNA
Guinea MiniPig Total RNA
Guinea Pig Total RNA
Hamster Total RNA
Human Adult Normal Cell Line Total RNA
Human Adult Normal Tissue Total RNA
Human Total RNA
Human Tumor Cell Line Total RNA
Human Tumor Tissue Total RNA
Hypertension Total RNA
Liver Cirrhosis Total RNA
Lupus Total RNA
Matched Pair Total RNA
Monkey Normal Tissue Total RNA
Monkey Total RNA
Mouse Balbc Total RNA
Mouse Brain Total RNA
Mouse C57 Total RNA
Mouse CD1 Total RNA
Mouse Heart Total RNA
Mouse Intestine Total RNA
Mouse Liver Total RNA
Mouse Lung Total RNA
Mouse Normal Tissue Total RNA
Mouse Ovary Total RNA
Mouse S. Muscles Total RNA
Mouse Skin Total RNA
Mouse Stomach Total RNA
Mouse Testis Total RNA
Plant Normal Tissue Total RNA
Plant Total RNA
Rabbit Total RNA
Rat Normal Tissue Total RNA
Rat Total RNA
Sheep Total RNA
Tissue Total RNA
Universal Protein Lysate
Universal RNA
cDNA Panel
Control gDNA
Control Genomic DNA
Controls & Other
gDNA Panel
Genomic DNA Panel
Tissue Protein Panel
Tissue Total RNA Panel
Total RNA Panel
Antibody Elisa Kit
Assay Kits
Attoglow Western Blot Analysis Kit
DNA & RNA Extraction Kits
DNA & RNA Isolation Kits
DNA Ladder
DNA Matched Pair
DNA Plate
Express Cloning Checker Kit
FDA Standard Tissue Array
Frozen Tissue Array
Matched Pair cDNA
Multiple Species Frozen Tissue Array
Multiple Tumor Tissue Array
Other cDNA Diseases
Other Kits
PCR Kits
RapiSeq Sample Prep Kit
Tumor Tissue Array
Universal cDNA Reverse Transcribed
Recent advancements in biomarker detection
Appraisal in the Digital World
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digital PCR (dPCR)
All you need to know about the symptoms of Omicron
C-19 : Viral Transport Medium (VTM) for diagnosis
More than 20 people in the U.S. have tested positive for omicron
Vaccine makers move quickly against new omicron Covid variant, testing already under way
DELOS Publications
DELOS Publications
Angiopoietin ANTISERA
Audio-visual and non-traditional objects (WP3)
Conference series
Contact DELOS
DELOS Events
DELOS Initiatives
DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital PCR Libraries
DELOS Partners
DELOS Products Newsletter
DELOS Summary and objectives
DELOS Task 2.6 Advanced Access Structures for Complex Similarity Measures
Description of DELOS participants
Description of the Cluster Coordinators
Detailed JPA for the first 18 months of activity
Digital library architecture (WP1)
Digital PCR
Digital PCR in micro-compartments
Digital Preservation Cluster (WP6)
Home Associations | DELOS Network of Excellence
Human UPRT(Uracil Phosphoribosyltransferase) ELISA
Immunogénicité des exosomes de cellules dendritiques
Important publications
Information access and personalization (WP2)
IST priorities and Potential Impact on the European Research Area
Joint DELOS-MUSCLE Summer School Multimedia Digital Libraries
Knowledge Extraction & Semantic Interoperability (KESI) (WP5)
Mailing lists
Other Events
Outline of the JPA for the full duration of the Network (four years)
Presentations at DELOS events
Projects and Initiatives. Research Centers
TEL-ME-MOR is organising a Policy Conference in Tallinn, Estonia on 19-20 October 2006
User-Interface and visualization (WP4)
Work programme
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Monkey cDNA
Monkey cDNA
Monkey cDNA
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